Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Welcome to the new RAW blog!

Welcome to the
Robert Anton Wilson
Website Blog
RAW DATA v2.0.

Please leave a neophilial comment!
As the new website evolves, stay tuned for news from Bob's daughter Christina, and directives from The MGT.
Visit the RAW Auction - The MGT.
Vote in the current RAW Poll.
Click here to play with the splash.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I've missed y'all.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are doing this Christina. His passing left as dark a cloud over our lives as his life and work brought the light.
Dare I say Bob's work made me feel sane that I wasn't the only one who knew something was wrong in the world

Brian Shields said...

Thanks so much for your hard work to preserve Bob's legacy. If I can be a resource for you in any way, please let me know.

Brian Shields

BattyMcDougall said...

Time to spread the raw word.

Unknown said...

welcome back! so nice to see y'all again.

el8ed1 said...

Sweet redesign! I'm sure he's smiling

drjon said...

DrJon fully approves of the RAW 2.0 Blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted to see this, and especially delighted that you've featured C.S.I.C.N., one of my very favorite of Bob's creations.
It says "select profile" under the little window I'm typing in, but I'd rather have my own profile here . . . but it demands I be Somebody Registered. Oh, well. I started a livejournal account during Bob's final illness, and I was deeply impressed that he'd not only named a planet, but also its moon.

greetings from The Nameless Anarchist Horde,

Bobby Campbell said...

Gadzooks! Heavens to Murgatroyd! Great Googily Moogily!

Unknown said...

All Hail Eris!
The Black Pullet Flies Once More!
Tis not Fnord, tis only a skidoo....
All Hail Bob!
A*A* Woo!

Anonymous said...

The new website is lovely! Great work Christina! I look forward to the eBay auctions... might it also be worth posting a "donate" link somewhere so any critters interested in contributing to Bob's debt settlement can do so?

I'm near Santa Cruz and spent time with Bob at his reading groups for a few years. If there's anything I can do to assist the estate please contact me.


drjon said...

(Psst: the webbie on the RAW site might like to make the link to Arlen's work easier to find...)

Earwicker said...

Every once in a while I do a Google search on Fnord. Synchronistically, I did it today.
Thanks for building the new site. I'll be updating my link to it with a new pitch.


Anonymous said...

New website looking good!

HOWEVER... Since said digital refurbishment was carried out without my prior notification,
much less approval,

I hereby inform you all, that you are

Pope Professor Maehemm

Baron Moontrap XXIII said...

Crustacean culture and technology is in a renaissance; the barnacles have been quick lately.

Robert Dee said...

Looking great! Would be great to read any unpublished material RAW may have had.

Robert Dee said...


Steve Fly said...

A bright cheerfull knu site gloss, blog, auction and paradigm shift, love, fly.

Unknown said...

Mahalo for the new site. Blesing to you and your family! Thanks for the heads up on june auction. Anything of RAW'S is sure to be cosmic candy.
B.S Hidalgo

Cleggy Wilson said...

Great work Christina and RASA. RAW rides the internet once more. I have been inspired by his great body of work and thoughts, my own work is always dedicated to him in spirit as I attepmt to be at least half as funny, half as clever and half as important to the human race as RAW was. I am sad that I did not get to meet the great man and have the chat that I have so often imagined I would have with him while surfing the astral plains.
You can count me as a regular visitor to the site and I hope to get something in the auction.
Peace and infinite love
Andy (Products of Monkey Love)

Unknown said...

This site might make it easier to channel Bob. ANd if not, it's still great to see what you're doing with it - thanks!

Unknown said...

Ha ha. I just thought I would pop along here and have a look - beautiful new site; well done.
O irony - that tax the great certainty, should figure so heavily for Bob chief proponent of the greatest number of uncertainties. Best of luck with it.
Today I was listening to Under Milk Wood and heard something I hadn't before, Dylan Thomas has Captain Cat say "There goes Mrs Twenty Three, important, the sun gets up and goes down in her dewlap, when she shuts her eyes, it's night."
What a co-inkie-dance.

nat said...

cosmic comment number 23

The Purple Gooroo said...

D'oh! I've thrown off the 23 comment number.

Thanks for firing up this blog again, Christina and for grooving up RAW's site! I'm definitely going to try and get in on the eBay auctions.

The world definitely needs more RAW conciousness around.

Peace and flying lasagne to all!

The Purple Gooroo

Number 6 said...

How can I help? :)

borsky said...

Kudos to you Christina. I'm convinced, partly thanks to this site, Bob's ideas shall become more and more fnord influence in the world of tomorrow. We're all so lucky to have been synchronic to him for some time. Hope the debts soon disappear!
Namu Amida Butsu

Sean Bedlam said...


Lion Heart said...

just getting to know about RAW....Watching his videos has brought a lot of clarity into my life. Thank you for keeping his work alive and well.

TCB said...

I've been reading Bob since 1980. Here are a few things he was ahead of the crowd on: the Dan Brown-type subject matter; the "Singularity" (though he didn't use that term); multiple universes (now considered a real possibility); the "What The Bleep" type subject matter; and on and on. Stuff he talked about in the Seventies is mainstream now in the 21st C.
And there's other stuff he wrote about that even now the mainstream isn't hip to. Give it time.

Unknown said...

"Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won behind your forehead.”

said by some tall, thin, reedy Irish Galoot with a gob on him as wide as Annie Liffey's drawers

Good work yourself Christina

Unknown said...

Blessing on your endevours, here and anywhere! RAW's great screed has been a singular point of lucid sanity in my expereince of this otherwise "what-me-worry" world of spy-v-spy! Since the 70's I have returned time and again to the well of wyrdd wisdom to be reminded of the punch line; the map is not the tertiary, neither is it secondary or primary - now that sub-genius is way off the map and outside the vox! Let us continue to un-weave the emporers threads ;-)

alX said...

Thanks for keeping the lasagna flying.
Spiral out, love and support from Greece.

Rob Pugh said...

Welcome back. RAW was an inspiration, and I'm glad to see the torch being carried.


Anonymous said...

Just wandered back here -- don't recall the book poll from last time I was through. It could use a place for comments.
Prometheus Rising is far and away the one I give away the most copies of, but Cosmic Trigger always seemed to me the most personal, so I recommend it for getting acquainted with himself.

jason said...

thank you, please keep it coming. Bob's wit and insight shattered my young mind many years ago and life has been a lovely adventure ever since.

AgentKLF said...

Thank you for what you're doing Christina. I hate to use cliches, but Bob really did change my life. Please keep Bob's site up, and do please keep his books and videos in publication.

Bob was so way ahead of the times, far more fun to read and much more insightful than today's Dan Brown/Eckhart Tolle/Wayne Dyer types.

Gotta run...there's a big gob of lasagna flying straight toward me!

pope bozo said...

christina thank you!
the fact that you are doing this has brought a tear to my eye! your dad's work hit me at just the moment in my life when i needed to make sense of lots of things that were happening to me that i just couldn't fully understand or explain - he opened my heart & mind up to so much & took me back to the state of play of my teenage years - when i was very open to reprogramming & reimprinting what i had from birth until then

now i know about this blog & the other bloggers posing here i shall return from time to time to share in the wonderful legacy that Bob left us - which hopefull might help one or two more of us evolve beyond the domesticated primate stage

love & pizza, jonny thrombosis x

The Director said...

Posterity will view RAW as one of the greatest thinkers/writers/philosophers of the late, great 20th century. Many who have been touched by his words and thoughts will be gratified to see this site continue and evolve; and would be honored to donate to lighten the burden of debt on his family, and to ensure further development the vehicle of Bob's continued enlightenment of the masses. On this day of Independence and beginning of the Dog Days, Bob's influence and presence is felt here and appreciated. Any plans for an annual July 23 memorial festival? Love and Thanks to Christina, and all of the Wilson family.

Anonymous said...

OMG I have just read the posts on the blog and I am so deeply touched. All I can say is this would mean the world to Bob, and it certainly also does to me. In doing the auction it has been so interesting... part of me wants to not let go of anything, but I know we need to do this to be able to move on, and the tremendous outpouring of love coming back from people enjoying owning a little piece of RAW's love and life has been utterly overwhelming.
I cannot tell you what these posts mean to me. Thank you and oodles of love to each of you, and I very much look forward to keeping the lasagna flying. Christina

Author said...

I only started reading R.A.W. a few months ago, but it has effected my life tremendously. Rarely do I recommend books to my friends, but from now on I try to drop something R.A.W. on everyone I meet. Thanks to everybody who keep getting the word out to late-commers like me. Daniel, Sweden.

Anonymous said...

The new website design seems awesome to me! I feel as if the lasagna is really beginning to fly now! Pope Bob changed my life for the better, and it's time for his message to reach more people.

Keep it up!

The Bat.

Unknown said...

Hi. Just thought I'd drop my fingerful of fluff and say that there are RAW ostriches living in the sunny state thing of Portugal.

Also, I'm finishing off my M.A. on Moore's V for Vendetta and would like to insert an extensive quote by Robert. Whom should I ask?
Respectfully from one neophyte to...

Anonymous said...

Is somone pulling off a new RAW stunt? I came across this site:


It can't be for real. Can it?

Unknown said...

Maybe.. But I really am up to any sort of assistance I can provide, Christina. You just let me know. Every moment another possibility to fly, OH wait that's the lasagne... I better get cooking. Love to you and to Graham. Val.

Neal said...

It's been 33 years since I first read Cosmic Trigger and Illuminatus! and Bob's crazy sanity continues to resonate every day (mostly in my writing and POV). Rock on, ancient newborn, and THANK you.

Unknown said...

Bob, you provided much of the impetus that got me over the hump, what hump, yes, that one, and discordia will guide me home. You are that cosmic trigger, illumination like a bullet to the brain, exploding into fragments of consciousness that imbed themselves as seeds in every parallel universe where they will seed and grow to enlighten every being or nonbeing of every alternate reality. I will never find words enough to express my indebtedness and gratitude for what your mind has done for mine, and every ounce of love contained within this being of fruition IAM follows you wherever you may be to vouchsafe the entirety of the mega being you will incarnate as, as I was nurtured by your lazer beam vision that penetrated the density of matter. Nama fucking ste, i love you r.a.w. ~your student, B.S., Bob Smith, not related to any other Bob Smith. I WILL GET INVOLVED WITH ANYTHING ANYONE NEEDS ME TO GET INVOLVED WITH TO FURTHER THIS CREATIVE GENIUS!

Unknown said...

Are you Bob's daughter? If so, I love you unconditionally!!! He was the most influential person in my life, so your DNA is my GODDESS!!! anything I can do, can I do? I think so, let me know, your father fucked with my brain good, well, my brain collaborated or corroborated, whether it had permission from me or not... ~bob

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